Lawn Marketing Like Never Before
What if I told you one secret that would enable you to get new customers simply by making one phone call?
That would be awesome! Yet, it would do you little good if you were unable to keep those customers, right? Actually,
it would create more headaches for you. You must learn how to keep your customers, and train them to become
loyal evangelists for your business. This can be accomplished through Lawn Marketing.
Most lawn companies miserably fail at keeping their customers happy, much less getting them to become evangelists.
What's even more amazing is the fact that turning customers into evangelists really isn't very hard at all. There are
a few things you must do to turn your customers into evangelists for your company.
Exceed Expectations - Why would a customer want to tell their friends and family about your lawn company if you
provide only mediocre lawn service? You must exceed expectations every single time! By being terrific, you make them
look terrific for passing on the referral.
Build Trust - Even if you exceed their expectations, your customer must trust you. This is why their perceived image of
you is so important. You, your employees, and your company must always appear to be trustworthy.
Train Them - You must train your customers to become evangelists for you; they will never do it on their own. Training your
customers is far easier than you think.
There's not much I can do to help you exceed expectations, but my Lawn Business Owner Insider Club will teach you how to get them to initially
trust you and help you learn how to train them.
Let me tell you an analogy my mentor once shared with me to help illustrate the importance of building a loyal following.
View your business as if you were a cattle rancher. You are the rancher and your customers are the cattle
(no, I don't mean that in a derogatory way). You spend a lot of money and time acquiring new cattle (customers),
so, you better make sure you have a good fence around your pasture.
Without a good fence, your cattle can easily slip from your pasture into another rancher's pasture. Also, without a proper
fence in place, other ranchers and poachers may slip into your pasture and try to steal some of your cattle. If the fence
around your pasture is broken or has weak spots, you will most certainly lose some of your cattle.
What's the moral of the story? Don't neglect your fence! You must first insure you have a fence in place. Only then can
you check it for any weak spots. Finally, you must constantly inspect your fence.
Hopefully, you see the importance of building a fence! It's crucial to your long-term success. Fortunately, joining my
Lawn Business Owner Insider Club will basically build your fence for you. The basics of fence building are simply to get to know your
customers, and have them get to know you in return. The more your customer believes you are their friend, the less likely
they will be to visit another pasture.
Your fence building begins with your very first interaction with your customer, back when they were only a prospect.
Your first interaction should create a sense that your lawn company is distinct from the others.
Each of the pre-written follow-up letters, in the Systematic Secret Code will help you build and mend your fence
around your customer. The letters are proven not only to build a relationship, but to train your customers to become
evangelists for you. With each of the follow-up letters you should include a copy of your monthly newsletter.
Let's briefly look at the importance of a monthly newsletter.
Follow-up letters are designed to show appreciation and to train your customers, but your newsletters will
naturally build trust and position you as an expert as well. Your newsletter will allow you to brag a bit about
your company and show off a bit of your expertise.
Your newsletter should be designed in such a way that it works as a salesperson for your lawn company.
You should send your newsletter once a month via regular, snail-mail. No Email! I understand it costs more to
send and print using snail-mail, but the rewards are far greater than using email. Contrary to popular belief,
people actually enjoy getting regular mail, when it's from a trusted source.
There are several things that will help a newsletter sell for your company. First, a brief about us section
will allow you to brag a bit about your company. Next, there should be a testimonial from a current customer to
help reinforce how great you are in addition to a section highlighting a customer of the month and building
credibility by showing others who use your company. Also, there should be a section encouraging people to call
you with their questions, therefore encouraging interaction with your company. Finally, place a coupon offering
some form of coupon off a service you are promoting.
Your newsletter should be sent to customers of course, but also to prospects and referrals. It helps them to
begin feeling like they are a part of your "family," which is an unbelievably powerful sales tool.
I used newsletters for the last two years I owned my lawn company. This was the period of time my business grew
from $25,000.00 in annual sales to $200,000.00. Needless to say, I'm a huge believer in using newsletters as a
tool for rapid growth. In my opinion, and in the opinion of other successful business owners, newsletters are the
most powerful community building tool you can use.
The pre-written "LawnSuccess" newsletter delivered straight to your door each month. All you have to do is simply insert your company information!
It couldn't be any simpler.
All you have to do is open the "LawnSuccess" newsletter in Microsoft Word and quickly and easily add your information.
It's that easy!
Here's what your clients will find inside each newsletter issue (which will help turn them into customer evangelists for your business):
- About Us Section - This gives you a very discrete method for bragging about your lawn company. None of your clients or prospects
will think twice about you bragging a bit in your "About Us" section.
- Customer Testimonial(s) - This allows your current customers to tell others why they should use your company. The testimonial letter included in the
Systematic Code will enable you to get testimonials from your clients even while you are sleeping.
- Lawn Answers Section - This is a section where the most common lawn and landscape questions are answered. It provides an open door for your customers
or prospects to pick up the phone and call you with their lawn and landscaping questions. (Don't be afraid of not knowing
the answers to their questions. If you don't know the answer, tell them your in the middle of something and you'll call
them back later with the answer. Get online, or pick up a book and find the answer and call them back.)
- Coupon With A Call To Action - We leave a space for you to insert a coupon with a specific call to action. We even provide you with a suggested coupon/discount each month.
And lots more.
You will see results almost overnight!
The better question would be, "How much is it costing me not having a monthly newsletter?" Can you really afford not to build a large
fence around your customers? Using a newsletter to market their company is foreign to most lawn company owners.
So you probably really don't understand what results you are missing by not having a newsletter.
You would probably be shocked by how much a good writer would charge to write you a newsletter. A good writer typically demands a
minimum of $100.00 per hour for their work. A typical "LawnSuccess" newsletter takes me between 3 - 4 hours to write.
Which means you would pay a "professional" writer $300.00 - $400.00 for each of your newsletters.
So, let's do a quick math: $300.00/issue x 12 issues per year = $3,600.00. YIKES!
What if you did it? At first I created my own newsletter when I had my lawn company, but then I had my secretary write them for me.
The problem was I still had to pay $50.00 for an editor to proof each of the newsletters. (Unless you're an exceptional writer and
editor, make sure you have your letters proofed by a professional.)
If I had been smart I would have paid someone else to write and edit my newsletters for me, but I simply couldn't afford it at $300.00 per newsletter.
Now, why would you want to spend your valuable time writing a newsletter when you could be out making money? That's why I decided to start offering
this pre-written newsletter for free to the members of my Lawn Business Owner Insider Club.
You get every monthly issue of the "Lawn Success" delivered to you on a disc each month. You can use any of the articles and information from the
newsletter any way you see fit. Some clients have taken several of the articles and created a small book, full of valuable lawn and landscaping techniques, and they give it away as free gift.
The only way you can get the "Lawn Success" newsletter is by joining Lawn Business Owner Insider Club.
Unfortunatlly, my Lawn Business Insider Club is limited to one lawn business owner per zip code. You wouldn't want one of your prospects getting the same newsletter from you and your competitor.
The "LawnSuccess" newsletter is available on a first come first-served basis, so when your zip code taken it is taken for good.
To Your Success,
Wayne Mullins
P.S. - Imagine having customers who love and trust you so much they feel like they are part of your family!
People like doing business with people they like and trust, and there's no better way to build trust and credibility
than with a monthly newsletter. Now, you can have me write your newsletter for you each and every month. All you have to do
is enter your name and phone number or bring it to your local printer an they'll do it for you.
P.P.S. - Still not sure if Starting a Lawn Business is right for you? This
site has many free resources to help you determine if owning a Lawn Business is right for you.